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SIGHT - a major motion picture about Dr. Wang is coming!

Click here to Watch Sight for FREE!.

Click here to see a 2-min video.

Click here to see the SIGHT movie deck.

Click here to read the background story.

Sight is a full-length feature film inspired by the autobiography of Dr. Ming Wang, Harvard & MIT (MD); PhD (laser physics), author of the autobiography, From Darkness to Sight.

To order the autobiography, click here. All proceeds are donated to the Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration, a 501c(3) non-profit that has helped patients from over 40 states in the U.S. and 55 countries, with all sight restoration surgeries performed free-of-charge.

Sight tells the dramatic, epic and emotional story of a Chinese-American doctor who, traumatized as a child during China’s ten-year catastrophe, learned to survive by working obsessively and trying to control every aspect of his life. But when he faced a tragedy which, despite his best efforts, caused his whole world to fall apart, he found himself utterly lost and out of options. It was at that point that he finally learned to let go of control, recognized that he is not alone, and that he needs to ask a power beyond himself for help and grace. Doing this ultimately led to healing, peace and true happiness.

Sight Movie

The movie spans and transcends a WIDE RANGE of human experiences:

  • In time (from 1966 to today)
  • In space (from around the globe, China to America)
  • In cultures (from the East to the West)
  • In epic human events (from the 1960s’ ten-year catastrophe to the 21st century’s conflict between science and morals/ethics)
  • In societies (from communism to a free, capitalistic society)
  • In languages (from Chinese to English)
  • In beliefs (from an atheist to a person who is now inspired to believe)

Sight’s central messages:

  • Theme 1: We need to work hard and do our very best to overcome difficulties and adversities in life; the world is what we make of it.
  • Themes 2/3: When the challenges in our lives become so great that they exceed our capabilities (which is experienced in situations where the more effort we put in, the worse the situation gets), we need to recognize that we as human beings have limitations, but we are not alone and we should ask a power beyond ourselves for help and for grace.

Sight is:

  • Dr. Zhivago set in communist China and America.
  • Mao’s Last Dancer seen through the lens of an eye surgeon.
  • Joy Luck Club based on the life of a doctor.

The film will feature an Asian and American cast, which will be a rare phenomenon in the history of the American mainstream film industry.

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Dr. Wang, Eye Surgeon, provides laser vision correction, 3D LASIK, laser cataract and many advanced laser eye surgeries to patients in the Nashville, TN area
and all over the US and world. Dr. Wang's celebrity LASIK patients:  Dolly Parton, Charlie Daniels, Kenny Chesney, 3 Doors Down, Naomi Judd, and more...

This site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. If you would like professional medical advice about any laser eye surgery procedure, please
schedule an appointment or attend our next Free LASIK and Cataract Seminar in Nashville, Tennessee.

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