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Alex had Wang Vision, and is now 20/15 and 20/10, and regained his freedom, from dependence on glasses and contacts! 3D LASIK, high-def vision

Wang Vision Cataract and LASIK center

alex and dr wang

From: Ming Wang
Sent: Sun 8/28/2011 3:28 PM
To: Alex Radford
Subject: FW: Wang Vision Cataract and LASIK Center: thankyou; update

Hello, Alex:

It warms my heart, to know that you are doing well and are so happy with your new 3D LASIK vision! And appreciate your e-mail and kind words.

Attached is a photo of you and me, on the day after your 3D LASIK.

We are very happy, to be able to help you, to regain your freedom, from dependence on glasses or contact lenses, which for you, more than almost anyone else in the world, means so much more since you have lost both of your hands!

We are also encouraged by, and greatly admire, your courage and determination, in your life and in your continued study in law school and to excel in your life. Compared with what happened to you, most of us are so much luckier, and really should not complain, at all, about things that happened in our lives. You have overcomed so much, so much more, to live and to succeed, and have really set an example, of tenaciousness and determination, for all of us!

Best wishes to you Alex, and also thank you, for allowing us to post this e-mail, in our website, thanks!






From: Alex Radford
Sent: Tue 8/23/2011 7:33 AM
To: Ming Wang
Subject: Wang Vision Cataract and LASIK Center: thankyou; update

This is an enquiry e-mail from:
Alex Radford <>

Dr. Wang,

I'm writing to thank you for such a job well done. I went to my local optometrist for my one-month checkup after my Lasik surgery with you; he was astounded by the results. In my left eye, I now have 20/10 vision, and in my right eye, I now have 20/15. Before, I couldn't recognize my own mother from more than 15 or so feet away without contacts or glasses. Since I suffered the amputation of both of my hands, donning and removing contacts and glasses became quite burdensome. The LASIK surgery has endowed me with a new degree of independence. Additionally, my local doctor was shocked to see how little scarring remained only a month out from the surgery. What a blessing my experience with you has been. Thank you.


Alex Radford


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Dr. Wang, Eye Surgeon, provides laser vision correction, 3D LASIK, laser cataract and many advanced laser eye surgeries to patients in the Nashville, TN area
and all over the US and world. Dr. Wang's celebrity LASIK patients:  Dolly Parton, Charlie Daniels, Kenny Chesney, 3 Doors Down, Naomi Judd, and more...

This site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. If you would like professional medical advice about any laser eye surgery procedure, please
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